sexta-feira, julho 31, 2015

Álbum do mês !!!

Filme Made in Britain com legendas em português.

Alfinete Zine (Entrevista com Eskizofrénicos)

                                                   clica na imagem para ampliar !!!

quarta-feira, julho 29, 2015

Chaos no Mesio Cartaz Final

Affaire ao vivo esta sexta feira !!!

Tributo a Ronnie James Dio

quarta-feira, julho 15, 2015

Uma review da extinta fanzine Underworld Entulho Informativo sobre os Porcos Sujos.

Se procurarem encontram uma entrevista póstuma com esta mitíca banda aqui no nosso blogue feita por mim ao Xico e ao Libe antigos fundadores da Banda juntamente com o Diogo. Eram um trio no começo e eram todos membros dos Subcaos nessa época em que surgiram.
Diz-se por aí que se está a tratar da edição dos 2 singles que ficaram por editar durante tantos anos.Podem ouvir 3 temas (Rusga Filhos da Puta ; O fim está perto e o tema que veio na compilação em cd dupla No Fate Caminho pelas Ruas) nos links abaixo.

Britânicos Disorder em Portugal

«Desde 81 a tocar punk/dbeat furioso, Disorder (UK) desde Bristol para as margens do Mesio em Lousada, Taf e seus companheiros prometem cilindrar o recinto!
Mais recentes são os Erro Crasso do Porto.Crust/grind rápido e brutal, tocado com sangue na guelra e critica social no coração!Considerem se avisados!!!»

segunda-feira, julho 13, 2015

Cavalaria 77

Aqui neste link podem ouvir Cavalaria 77 com saxofones e cada vez mais próximos ao "prog rock punk" ...

Saudações Cavalares!!!


domingo, julho 12, 2015

Entrevista com Mike Hudson dos lendários Pagans

1-How did you start on the punk rock scene?

My brother Brian, Tim Allee and I had a band in 1974 that would eventually become the Pagans. There really was no scene at that time. By 1976, we had become aware of bands like the Ramones and the Sex Pistols, who were working along the same lines as us, and were fortunate enough to meet the Heartbreakers, who we got to play a show with in Cleveland. This brought us into contact with other local musicians, the guys from Devo, the Electric Eels, the Dead Boys, Pere Ubu, the Cramps and the Styrenes, and the Cleveland punk scene was born when we joined together to do shows.

2-Why did you chose to form a band?

Rock and roll provided the most accessible means of artistic expression and creating. Cleveland was a dull and boring place, and mostly we all did it to amuse ourselves. We never had any illusions about being rock stars or having success, but we wanted to make a record, play some shows, drink, do drugs and have sex with pretty girls.

3-Can you tell us about the Cleveland scene?

At the beginning it was very small, 30 or 50 people, and there was really only one club to go to and play at, the Pirate’s Cove, which was located in what was then a pretty dangerous part of town. There were a couple of Xeroxed fanzines, Cle and Mongoloid, and a small record store called the Drome which was the center of things and had all the records from New York, LA, Europe and Japan. That was how it was when we released “Six and Change” in 1977. Very underground. It grew until around 1980, fractured, and by 1982 was essentially mainstream. Most of the musicians in the original bands left town after that. I left in 1984.

4-What are your favorite Pagans songs and albums?

Of course the most recent one, “Hollywood High” is my favorite! It came out about eight months ago. I’ve always liked “The Pink Album” from 1983 the best. Of the earliest stuff, “What’s This Shit Called Love?”, “Not Now No Way,” “Dead End America” and “(Us and) All Our Friends Are So Messed Up” have all held up pretty well. I like them all or I wouldn’t have released them.

5-How does Cleveland of 1977 compare to Cleveland now?

I have not been to Cleveland except for very short visits in more than 30 years. But it’s safe to say the place is still run by crooked politicians, still faces crushing economic problems and has some of the worst weather on the face of the planet. Most of my friends who still live there do so because of deep rooted family ties or they have a good job or successful business. Because of the bands that came out of there in the late 70s, there’s a tendency to romanticize the city, when the reality is that most everyone who could got the hell away from as soon as possible. What are your favorite bands? The bands that influenced us most directly were the Stooges, the Velvet Underground, the New York Dolls and above all the Rolling Stones. The whole 60s garage scene that Lenny Kaye documented on the “Nuggets” albums was important to us, as were bands like the Sonics, who I’m very excited about getting to play with in Spain this October.

6-I know you became a journalist and wrote books. How did this happen?

I’ve always been a writer, for as long as I played rock and roll. In my late teens I began writing articles and sending them off to magazines, which bought a few. In 1977 I took the clippings into a small newspaper in Cleveland and they hired me to write full time. After that, whenever I didn’t have a record contract or a tour, or thought my career in music was over, I’d get a job at a newspaper someplace. In 2000, I was living in Niagara Falls, New York, and started my own newspaper, which I later sold. After that I began writing books, six of them, about a wide variety of topics. The most recent, “Fame Whore,” is a novel about Hollywood.

7-What punk rock books do you recommend? 

Everything Patti Smith, Lester Bangs, Richard Hell and Jim Carroll ever wrote, Legs McNeil’s “Please Kill Me Please” and of course my own “Diary of a Punk”! I really don’t read a lot of writing about punk rock per see and if you came to the house you’d be more likely to hear Amy Winehouse or the Stones playing than any punk music. There’s 3,000 years of great literature to read and a century’s worth of recorded music, Beethoven I like better than any punk rock artist. Again, there is a disconnect. The people who invented punk rock in the mid to late 1970s didn’t listen to punk rock because it didn’t exist. The Ramones were covering Sonny Bono songs and the Sex Pistols were doing pop tunes by people like Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart. Johnny Thunders had that whole 50s doo wop thing going on and the Cramps were doing rockabilly. Everyone I know from that era pretty much detests hardcore. It’s not reasonable to assume that people who grew up listening to Elvis and the Kinks are going to all of a sudden like what passes for punk rock in 2015. In America, at least, Punk was more of a label slapped on certain bands and scenes and fashions by a mainstream media seeking largely to marginalize it. So it’s been 40 years and it endures because it was the last vestige of rock and roll, the last blast of the non-corporate, non-homogenized real thing. I think it’s idiotic when bands deliberately use shitty recording equipment and instruments to try and duplicate the sound. If we could have had the benefit of decent recording studios we would have used them.

8-Final words?

Playing the 10th Annual Funtastic Dracula Carnival in Benidorm, Spain, with the Sonics this October is like a dream come true for me. The Pagans have never played Europe before, and the show sold out in eight minutes. I moved out here to Los Angeles four years ago to write the novel, record the album and take the band back out on the road again, and this trip will be like a final piece of the puzzle. I was in a bad automobile accident in January, spent 40 days in hospital, and had a lot of time to think about how I wanted to live the rest of my life. If Spain goes well, we’ll do a full European / North American tour in the spring with a trip to Japan sandwiched between. It’s exciting, and gratifying to be able to operate at this level after all these years. See you in Benidorm!

sexta-feira, julho 10, 2015

Pagans em 1978 em Detroit (US Punk)

The Pagans were an early American punk rock band from Cleveland, Ohio, that was originally active from 1977 to 1979, before briefly reforming in 1982 and disbanding the following year. 
Along with fellow Cleveland band The Dead Boys, the Pagans were part of the first wave of American punk rock music, and were also part of the second wave of Cleveland proto-punk and post-punk bands such as Pere Ubu.

Known for their single "Street Where Nobody Lives" and dynamic live performances, the Pagans proved to be an influential band that was overlooked during their two tenures. Since then, reappraisals of second-wave punk groups have seen them win acclaim from critics.Drummer Brian Hudson died in 1991.
In 1986 an Lp compilation of their recordings, "Buried Alive", was issued by Treehouse records. In 1994 a CD compilation, Everybody Hates You, was issued by Crypt Records.
Singer Mike Hudson, later a journalist and editor-in-chief of the Niagara Falls Reporter newspaper, chronicled the band's history in his autobiographical book Diary of a Punk.


Mike Hudson, 2011

Original lineup (1977—1979)
  • Mike Hudson - Vocals
  • Brian Hudson - Drums
  • Mike "Tommy Gunn" Metoff - Guitar
  • Tim Allee - Bass

Second lineup (1982—1983)
  • Mike Hudson - Vocals, Guitar
  • Bob Richey - Drums
  • Mike "Tommy Gunn" Metoff - Lead Guitar
  • Robert Conn - Bass
  • Chas Smith - Keyboards

Current lineup (2014-present)
  • Mike Hudson - Vocals
  • Loren Molinare - Guitar
  • Mike D'Amico - Bass
  • Tony Matteucci - Drums
  • Ben Reagan - Guitar

Ariel das antigas bandas Restos de Nada & Inocentes (Br)

O nosso blogue enviou uma entrevista com 20 perguntas a esta grande personagem do punk rock brasileiro. Em breve publicaremos essa entrevista que se espera que engrandeça ainda mais este blogue.
Esta foto foi tirada no famoso festival O começo do fim do Mundo.

Fanzine Animal

Quem tiver cópias desta zine e quiser vender envie email para:

Pago bom preço

Programa de rádio sobre o punk rock nacional

Vendo por 25€(portes não incluídos) livro novo mais K7 dos carismáticos Eskorbuto

Aos interessados enviem email para !!!

quinta-feira, julho 09, 2015

Single a solo com saída próxima...

A primeira tiragem de dez singles em vinyl lathe cut autografados e em cor transparente está  já toda vendida.
Final do mês haverá uma nova tiragem de mais dez cópias.
Mas o melhor é fazerem pŕe-orders pois acontece o caso de poderem não conseguir a vossa cópia devido ao grande número de interessados.
Quem quiser comprar uma cópia deste single envie um email para:

O preço do disco é de 16 €  mais portes mas se forem de Lisboa entrego em mão ou deixo na loja Discolecçao nas escadinhas do duque próximo ao Bairro Alto.
Este poderá vir a a tornar-se  no disco punk mais raro de toda a discografia punk portuguesa. Recomendo-vos o investimento, podem achar caro, mas é um single de qualidade. Fiquem de novo com os sons. Com o lançamento deste single nasceu uma nova editora a Cobra Kai Records, que se destina a apoiar apenas bandas portuguesas e raridades.

terça-feira, julho 07, 2015

No fio da navalha...

Super Festival Gratuito

Documentário sobre os Bad Brains

Rock das cadeias com o amigo Barrilaro


10 anos de diversão , luxúria, boa música, boas amizades, e muita informação disponibilizada. Espero que continuem a acompanhar o blog e deixo-vos aqui com umas fotos que revelam o modo de vida do director, eu mesmo, Marion Cobretti.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Envolvido em 3 bandas que este blogue teve a honra de mencionar, entrevistar, e dar o merecido destaque, banda essas que são Clockwork Boys, The Sadists  e Cavalaria 77 . Espero não parar por aqui e continuar na senda dos sucessos. Atingimos mais de 100 000 visitas, nada mau para um blogue que começou apenas por brincadeira ou talvez capricho da minha parte.                                                                                                                                                                                            
Gostava que os nossos leitores participassem mais, comentassem os posts, pois é isso que nos faz ter gosto no nosso trabalho de redacção. O que eu faço no fundo é jornalismo músical, nunca ganhei quase nada com isso, mas faço-o por gosto. Quero com isto dizer que ainda preciso de colaboradores para o blogue Rock das Cadeias. Um dia ainda há de haver um festival com esse nome.                                                                                                                      

Cavalaria 77 (Biografia por Pudim)

Cavalaria 77 foi um aborto ilegal ,engendrado pelas mentes tortuosas de Marion Cobretti, Libelinha, Luis brito e punk Pudim. Cedo os desacatos começaram,com a banda a ser expulsa do estúdio logo no segundo ensaio. Mudando de armas e bagagens para o Miro´s garden,o caos sucedia -se à medida que se ensaiava as musicas,. Piscinas de vinho e cerveja que alagavam os compartimentos, membros caídos a drunfar, instrumentos rebentados e demasiado punk era apenas o pão nosso de cada dia no ensaios de cavalaria.
As musicas sucediam se como flashes numa trip de anfetamina...dinamite, nasci no Huambo , roubei na igreja,77 punk rock, por entre o caos absoluto ,cozinhas destruídas e episódios de psicose tóxica a banda lá ia avançando,mais para trás que para frente.
Cavalaria 77 alguns ensaios acabavam com a banda a empurrar o caixote de lixo com o consumo do contentor cheio e a transbordar de e litros e litros de cerveja e vinho.

Cavalaria 77 a produtividade era fraca mas o nível punk estava no red line
Cavalaria 77 como bons clichés com pernas, alcoolismo, drogas, doença mental e excessos de tudo menos de calma minavam o nosso progresso mas incendiavam o nosso cérebro com ideias loucas e musicas muito proprias, que tomavam forma nas nossas mentes já bastante corroídas para nos ensaios se tranformarem em hinos punk de trazer por casa.
Cavalaria 77 A estreia no fantasma lusitano com clockwork boys foi ainda mais caótica que os ensaios, fazendo jus a banda cujas influencias misturam eskorbuto exploited e gg allin no caldeirao mexido por uma bruxa bebâda.
Devido aos excessos e á extrema loucura do vocalista Marion Cobretti, que após o concerto desapareceu para comprar drogas e acabou no Julio de Matos a fazer terapia da relva...
Cavalaria 77 a banda parou actividades ate porque os outros membros precisavam continuar com fígado.Todos tocavam mal mas eram felizes, menos o Osga que tocava bem mas não devia estar muito contente-
Cavalaria 77 azeite e erva, bas fond e politica dúbia, punk e mais punk, vinho serrania e má onda, letras geniais e musica punk agreste...nem um nem 0, sem códigos binarios!!!  Fomos CAVALARIA 77 !!!

segunda-feira, julho 06, 2015

Mata Ratos com lancamentos em vinyl LP

Recomenda-se !!!

Cavalaria 77

Neste link podem ouvir a gravacão dos Cavalaria 77,a Cobra Kai Records vai tratar desta edicão em principio sera para um split ep, mas ainda nao vou revelar o nome da outra banda...

Espero que gostem do som e do nosso teclado prog rock psych.

Cavalaria 77 a banda mais honrada da Musgueira e Arredores, chuteiras, mocassins, correntes e cabedal.

Punk rock xunga como manda a lei ...
Rock das Cadeias: julho 2015
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