Fanzine #2 de "O alfinete" já à venda !!!

Já saiu o novo numero do "O Alfinete" Punk Fanzine, com 28 paginas, impressão a cores, 2 entrevistas em exclusivo, The Kids (Belgium Punk-rock) + Jeff Hill Band (UK Powerpop), textos em exclusivo, Corpse Grinders, Crime (US Punk-rock), The Clash em Cascais 1981, Sid Vicious "Sid Sings", Cock Sparrer, Jorge Panchito Hi-Rockers, Ruts, Curiosidades sobre o mundo Punk, Criticas aos novos discos Johnny Throttle, Thee Eviltones, About Blanks, critica a concertos "We Love 77", e ainda há um passatempo.
Preço 1€, ou 1.5€ via correio, encontra-se à venda na Carbono-Lisboa, Rua do Telhal nº6-B, Lisboa, metro-Avenida
New number of "O Alfinete" Portuguese Punk-rock zine is Out, with 28 pages, print color, exclusive interviews with The Kids (Belgium Punk-rock), Jeff Hill Band (Uk powerpop 70's), exclusive texts about, Corpse Grinders, Crime (US Punk-rock), The Clash in Portugal 1981, Sid Vicious "Sid Sings", Cock Sparrer, Jorge Panchito Hi-Rockers, Ruts, reviews of new records of Johnny Throttle, Thee Eviltones, About Blanks,gig review "We Love 77", one competition (you can win a original cassete Punk compilation of Chiswick).
Price with postage for Europe 2.20€ , rest of world 2.75€
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