" My mind is a machine gun, my body the bullets, and the target is the audience."

GG ALLIN- the greatest rocknroll outlaw of all time,a savage on the loose,on stage gg rolled in shit,broken bottles,cut himself,beat up his audience,drank piss,ate shit,attempted rape,jail and hospital frequent "client",....you name it,he died of an heroin overdose in a time he was planning and announcing that he would kill himself on stage (and probably take some spectators along with him-all his shows had "enter at your own risk" sign).the most polemic man in punk rock recorded great punk rock records,amongst many collaborations with sidekick bands,my personal favorite is his early stuff with the jabbers.if you can't handle lyrics like: kill the children-save the food,i wanna fuck myself,i wanna fuck your brains out,kill thy father-rape thy mother....don't ever bother tryin'to like gg's work,cuz u won't!
" My mind is a machine gun, my body the bullets, and the target is the audience."

GG ALLIN- the greatest rocknroll outlaw of all time,a savage on the loose,on stage gg rolled in shit,broken bottles,cut himself,beat up his audience,drank piss,ate shit,attempted rape,jail and hospital frequent "client",....you name it,he died of an heroin overdose in a time he was planning and announcing that he would kill himself on stage (and probably take some spectators along with him-all his shows had "enter at your own risk" sign).the most polemic man in punk rock recorded great punk rock records,amongst many collaborations with sidekick bands,my personal favorite is his early stuff with the jabbers.if you can't handle lyrics like: kill the children-save the food,i wanna fuck myself,i wanna fuck your brains out,kill thy father-rape thy mother....don't ever bother tryin'to like gg's work,cuz u won't!
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